Instructions at a glance
(All steps are mandatory)
Step 1. Register into the portal
Step 2. Login to fill the application form - Click here to view a sample application form
Step 3. Select the programme
Step 4. Fill Personal Information and Upload your photograph and signature.
Step 5.
Fill in COAP Registration ID (Mandatory for Candidates who applying in M.Tech. Full-Time Regular Category)
- Click here for COAP Portal if not registered in COAP.
Step 6. Pay online the application processing fee
Click here to view a sample fee submission form format
(Steps for payment- Educational Institutions => All India => IIT (BHU) => APPLICATION PROCESSING FEE => Next => Make The Payment )
Step 7.
Select the Registration Category,Programme,Department/School, Discipline/Specialization(s)
Step 8.
Fill in
Details of GATE/GPAT or Qualified Examination for Fellowship (Mandatory for Full-Time Regular Category)
Step 9.
Fill in the
academic information
Fill in
the work experience (Mandatory for Sponsored Candidates)
Step 11.
Fill in the
referees details(Only for Ph.D. programme)
Step 12.
Fill in the publication details(Only for Ph.D. programme)
Step 13. Self Declaration
Step 14. Save, View, Lock/Submit and Download the application form (PDF)
Important Note:
· Click on “Register”link to OPEN the registration page.
· Enter your valid Email address
(eg; name@abc.com) and create a password of eight character length. All correspondences
related to your application will be sent to the
provided email ID only.
· After you have successfully
completed the registration, the login credentials
(application ID and password) will be emailed to your Email ID.
In case you do not find the mail in the “Inbox”, please
check in the “Spam”
folder of your email account.
2. Login to fill the application (Click
here view a sample application form)
· Click on “Login”
link to OPEN the Login page. The Login ID should be the ten-digit application number (eg:2510000001) sent to your email ID.
Step 3. Select the programme you wish to apply for
Select the Programme from the drop list and click "Continue" to view your application form.
· Fill
in your Full name, Mother’s name,
Father’s Name and
select your Date
of birth as per your High School certificate.
· Select your Gender, Nationality, Category from
the “drop-lists” and Click the option (yes or no) for Physically
· Enter your 10-digit Mobile number
(eg: 9123456789).
· Enter your complete Correspondence
address and Permanent
address. Avoid typing single (') or double quote
('') symbols in the address fields.
Select the Programme from the drop list and click "Continue" to view your
application form.
· Upload your color photograph
and signature (File size of each MUST BE less than 50kb) by clicking the appropriate “Browse” button.
You can replace or modify the images later on, before submitting the form, if needed.
Candidates who are applying for M.Tech. Full-Time Regular Category should register on COAP portal and provide the COAP Registration ID in application form.
Click here for COAP Portal if not registered in COAP.
Step 6. Pay online the application processing fee
· The
application processing fee (Rs.500.00 for GEN/OBC-NCL/GEN-EWS candidates and Rs.250.00 for SC/ST/Physically Disabled Candidates) should be paid ONLINE ONLY and is NON-REFUNDABLE.
· Pay the application processing fee online through SBI Collect Portal link
Follow the above link to open the homepage of SBI collect portal, read and accept the terms &
You should proceed
further to fill the application form ONLY after paying
the application processing fee and entering the
corresponding e-receipt details, i.e. the e-receipt
number (SBCollect reference number) and date in the appropriate fields.
Step 7. Select the
Registration Category,Programme, Department, Discipline/Specialization(s)
(These options should be carefully selected as per
your eligibility criteria. Please refer to the
Annexure-I & II of information
brochure for the eligibility criteria)
Select the appropriate "Registration Category" from the drop-down lists. Please note that ONLY
GATE/GPAT qualified candidates applying under "Full-Time Regular" category, are eligible for Institute Assistantships.
· Under item no. 3A
of application form, select the primary "Programme name", "Department/School", "Discipline and/or Choice of Specialization(s)" if any, as per the order of your preference. You may select NA wherever applicable.
· In case you wish to apply
for additional programmes and disciplines, (Please refer to the
eligibility criteria in the Annexure-I &
II of information
brochure), proceed to item no. 3B and
3C by clicking "Yes" to select the
additional "Programme name", "department/school",
"discipline" and/or choice of specialization(s)" if any,
in the order of your preference.
In case, you wish to
change/modify the department or discipline or
specialization that you have already selected/saved, you
should refresh the page and re-select the Programme,
Department, Discipline and so on, under each of item 3A.
3B. and 3C.
. Select the Joint Ph.D. programme (Yes/No) and if selected Yes then select the Project Title No.(Ph.D. programme only).
Select the GATE/GPAT Qualified (YES/NO) or Any Other Qualification (YES/NO for Ph.D. programme only) from the list and fill the relevant information of GATE/GPAT (roll no., year, discipline, rank and score) in the subsequent fields.
· Upload the PDF file of GATE/GPAT (whichever applicable) score card.
Step 9. Fill in the academic qualification details (Please refer to the information brochure for the eligibility criteria)
Important Note:
Qualifying degree
(5A): Here you should fill in the details
of your qualifying degree on the basis of which you
are seeking admission in the PG or PhD programme. For
e.g., If you are applying for Ph.D. programme, then
you may fill in your masters degree as qualifying
Select the degree level (UG or PG), degree status
(completed/appeared/appearing), degree name from the
drop lists and fill in the relevant details
(discipline, University, year of passing/final exam,
etc) in the subsequent fields. Final percentage of
marks/CPI OR aggregate percentage/CPI upto pre-final
semester (for those whose final semester results
are awaited) of qualifying degree should be filled
accurately in the relevant fields.
· Any other degree (5B): Click "Yes" and fill in , in case you wish to furnish any additional degree details
(other than qualifying degree) in support of your application.
(5C) and High School (5D) details:
Fill in your 12th and 10th certificate details in the
fields provided under 5C and 5D respectively.
Percentage of marks or CPI of certificate/degree
programmes should be filled accurately in the relevant
Fill in your "Work
experience" (Mandatory if you
are applying for Ph D programme under Sponsored
category). Herein a
candidate should provide two work experiences. Select the
starting and ending month and year corresponding to
the duration of your work experience and fill the
position held and organization name in the
subsequent fields provided.
the "Referees details" (For PhD
candidates only) - Provide the name and email ID of
two referees
Fill in "Publications data" (if any) -
Enter the numbers (1 to 10) of journal papers and fill
in the citation of each publication in the fields
provided. e.g., Kumar, R.S., Singh, K.P. and Rajesh
S.K. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 15, 200-212.
Applicants SHOULD read the “Self declaration statement” and confirm by choosing the option “I Declare”.
Step 14. SAVE, PREVIEW, LOCK/SUBMIT and PRINT the Application form
After filling all fields, applicants MUST “Save” the data and “Preview”
the application form for correctness of all entries before proceeding to the final submission.
After thoroughly verifying the entries, Click “LOCK/SUBMIT” button to finally submit your application. Please note that you will not be able to modify or change the data after you “LOCK/SUBMIT” your application.
After successful submission of your application, you will find the “Download” link to download the PDF version of your final application. Further, These documents may be retained for your records and future requirement.
Important Note:
All shortlisted candidates
should appear during the written test and/or interview on
the notified dates, with the following relevant documents
(Checklists) in ORIGINAL. Candidates can
download the format of necessary certificates or documents
through the appropriate links provided below.
Date of birth (DOB)
certificate or High School (10th) Certificate
containing DOB
e-receipt of application
processing fee
Category Certificate -
Format for SC/ST certificate,
Format for OBC-NCL certificate,
Format for GEN-EWS certificate,
Certificate of Physically challenged category, if applicable
Medical fitness certificate from any registered medical practitioner Form-IX.
score card
Mark sheets/Grade
sheets/Degree certificates of all academic records
Format of certificate (Form-VI) to be submitted by the candidates
who are unable to produce the marksheet of the
qualifying examination at the time of written
Work experience certificate in prescribed format and relieving or resignation letter
A. Part-Time Registration Category
(Only for Permanent Employee of IIT (BHU))
(Only for Employee of other than IIT (BHU))
B. Full-Time External Registration Category
C. Full-Time Sponsored Registration Category
· Two letters of references
in sealed envelopes (For PhD
candidates only)- Format for letter of reference (Form-VIII)
Copy of online generated
application form
· Undertaking letter (For candidates who are offered admission) - Format for letter of undertaking (Form-VII)
Candidates, who are offered
admission, will be informed through EMAIL ONLY. Their names will also be
notified in the admission portal.
Candidates who are offered
admission SHOULD remit the registration fee (Academic Fee) via ONLINE ONLY
and should send the soft copy of online generated e-receipt via email to the concerned Head/Coordinator of Department/School within the
notified date.
(Click here to see the email ID of Heads &
In case, candidate
wishes to withdraw his/her admission, after paying
the Academic fee, he/she may do so, within the notified
date. Such candidate will be refunded the paid Academic
fee after deduction of penalty towards seat retention as specified. No refund of Academic fee except caution money would be admissible to any candidate who withdraws his/her admission on or after the date of physical registration.